2016년 8월 26일 금요일

HWPL 2nd annual comemoration: peacelaw and peace conference

Nowadays, peace on earth

Why do we need the "peacelaw"?
What do you think of reason we need the "peacelaw"?
Let it know about the "peacelaw".

Purpose of Peace Law


For the Future of an International Peace Law

The quintessence of an international peace law is to support order among societies worldwide and to attain humanity’s fundamental goals: peace, prosperity, human rights, and environmental protection. However, blockages embedded in our daily lives for centuries have held back the effectiveness of an international peace law, scattering its pure intentions. From big international disputes to conflicts that we experience in our day to day lives, situations remain unresolved, in these cases, the role of an international law seems weak. Initiated by an international NGO, however, there is a hopeful spark for the future of an international law, one that will draw a new framework for global peace. 


  Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War, Stepping Forward to a Law for Humanity       

HWPL initiated an International Law for Peace and Cessation of War as a solution to bring about peace to humanity and an instrument to dispose of all means that initiate war and armed conflicts. Representing the collective wish of people from all walks of life - HWPL’s initiative to international law for peace is a powerful and ground-breaking tool which will enable worldwide enjoyment of peace. Gaining global support, united in one voice, women and youth are at the forefront of urging for the presentation and implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War through the Advocacy Committee.


Proclamation Ceremony of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War

In March 2016, HWPL aimed at taking a great leap forward for peace by publicly presenting the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War at the HWPL’s Proclamation Ceremony which was attended by Government representatives of legal affairs, HWPL International Law Peace Committee, HWPL Advisory Council Members&Publicity Ambassadors, and IPYG&IWPG members. The proclamation ceremony served as a platform to not only proclaim the Declaration to the public for the first time but also initiate the development process of the Declaration into an enforceable International Law, thus reaffirming our solidarity in bringing forth a world without wars.

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2016년 8월 19일 금요일

man hee Lee, peace leader of present day

Do you want to peace? Do you think about that peace can come up worldwide?
I had considered that world peace was only in animations or movies. However, peace is came true in Korea on earth.

German soldiers invade Poland in armored and motorized divisions in Sept. 1939. It was the beginning of World War 2. in Europe.

In Korea, people who do this activity are not government but a private organization. This organization youth and women including are participated youth and women of many country.

Although Korean peace leader man hee lee is aged, he directly goes and acts work of peace plenty of countries the world.

Now, we don't only dream world peace in movies or animations. We see world peace our eyes in reality. What a great and wonderful present day which we live in !