2016년 9월 11일 일요일

Peace meaning: peace and love have arrived on earth by 2nd annual commemoration of the warp

Nowadays, non-govermental organization HWPL, IWPG and IPYG are well-known for international peace movements. What does it mean? Private organizations have acted peace and love in many country the world and many world have acknowledged and supported activities of HWPL, IWPG and  IPYG.
We should think about this tendency. Let it think about peace on today below contents.

Article 1: Prohibit the threat or use of force

Article 1 addresses the prohibition of the use of (military) force between states, which is affirmed and further exemplified in the call to respect the territorial integrity of a state. According to Article 2 of the UN Charter, states refrain from the use of force that can degrade the purposes of the UN, maintaining peace and security in our globe.

Still, violence and conflicts for the last decades have raised questions about the applicability of this principle. To further develop and protect the international system of peace designated in the UN Charter, the DPCW reaffirms that aggression should be condemned as an international crime and demands that states are responsible for prohibition of violence promoted by any individuals or organizations.

Article 2: Reduce War Potential and Repurpose Weapons to Benefit Humanity

This is a more fundamental, developed approach from how to resolve conflict and reduce ensuing damage to how to achieve peace before the conflict leads to war. The most practical mechanism of peace and prevention of war potential is an agreement and respect on cessation of war in the international society as a whole.

Refraining from the use of force should not mean elimination of all the human or material resources. Rather, constructive form of disarmament should be based on transformation of the resources to
benefit the community.

Article 4: Prohibit Coercion against Internationally Recognized State Boundaries

Article 4 describes how states can contribute to deterrence of violent actions in the international society and the establishment of an environment of peacebuilding, especially stating possible acts of aggression in the multilateral scope. (“by a state, a group of states, an organization of states or an armed group or by any foreign or external entity”)

It should also be noted that the form of coercion includes not just the use of armed force but other sources of threat including economic and political means. Accordingly, with understanding today’s interdependent world as a global village resulting from diverse human interactions and material exchanges, the article provided a timely, accurate access to peacebuilding in terms of the fact that discreet approaches and decision making by states are required to restrict proliferation of conflicts and settle disputes in peaceful means.

We can make peace and love of this age without gender, languages and frontier.
Peace is not far to us!

댓글 2개:

  1. HWPL IPYG IWPG peace Love exercise 👉🌻🌻🌻💑💑😇

  2. HWPL IPYG IWPG peace Love exercise 👉🌻🌻🌻💑💑😇
