2016년 9월 24일 토요일

IWPG' s Forum: One of the Wings. the amount of HWPL

World Female Leaders Urge for the Implementation of International Law for Peace and Cessation of War for the Unification of the Korean Peninsula and for World Peace

The 2016 IWPG Network Forum was held under the theme of The Role of 3.6 Billion Women in Realizing Peace and Cessation of War. The forum was joined by approximately 1,000 female leaders from home and abroad including Teiraeng Maamau, First Lady of Kiribati; Awut Deng Acuil, the Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare of the Republic of South Sudan; and Anna Cervenakova, a human rights attorney from the Czech Republic.

Currently, there is a growing sense of urgency in the international community for solutions to the acts of terror in numbers of locations around the globe and a series of missile testing carried out by North Korea. Amidst the global situation, the Forum convened female leaders from various countries who urged for the implementation of international law for peace and cessation of war and for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
In her remarks on the Forum, IWPG Chairwoman emphasized that the DPCW contains the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the goal of achievement of human development and said, “the UN and international society should expand the role of women in security, cessation of war and peace.” She also stated that the most prominent method of women development is to advocate the DPCW for the adoption of the declaration into the international law for the cessation of war and peace.

At the end of the Forum, 109 new members from 16 countries were appointed to the IWPG Peace Committee. The Committee is set to promote IWPG peace works in respective countries and campaign with women in their respective communities
The Role of Female Leaders in Achieving Peace and the Cessation of War
Mr. Man Hee Lee / Chairman of HWPL

"All of the women here must become the key to peace that opens the hearts of 3.6 billions of women. The responsibility of women is to protect our globe and our children and, most importantly, leave the legacy of peace for them."
Edita Tahiri / Minister for Dialogue of the Government of Kosovo

"We want to close the history of wars and open the history of peace in all world. This is what the DPCW aims for, realizing peace and cessation of wars in the world, hence we should support."
Lee Yunsook / Former Minister of Women’s Affairs of Korea

"The reunification of Korea, the only divided nation in the world, is the key challenge to world peace. When the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War is adopted by the UN and made an international legal instrument, mankind will be closer to realizing the dream of ending wars and achieving global peace."
Leokadiia Gerasymenko / President of Women’s Union of Ukraine

"We have to remember the great goals that people around the world are pursuing, such as: justice, respect for each other, state sovereignty, ... education, religious freedom. These principles and goals are enshrined in the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War. These are the provisions we need to introduce...to every country."

2016년 9월 11일 일요일

Peace meaning: peace and love have arrived on earth by 2nd annual commemoration of the warp

Nowadays, non-govermental organization HWPL, IWPG and IPYG are well-known for international peace movements. What does it mean? Private organizations have acted peace and love in many country the world and many world have acknowledged and supported activities of HWPL, IWPG and  IPYG.
We should think about this tendency. Let it think about peace on today below contents.

Article 1: Prohibit the threat or use of force

Article 1 addresses the prohibition of the use of (military) force between states, which is affirmed and further exemplified in the call to respect the territorial integrity of a state. According to Article 2 of the UN Charter, states refrain from the use of force that can degrade the purposes of the UN, maintaining peace and security in our globe.

Still, violence and conflicts for the last decades have raised questions about the applicability of this principle. To further develop and protect the international system of peace designated in the UN Charter, the DPCW reaffirms that aggression should be condemned as an international crime and demands that states are responsible for prohibition of violence promoted by any individuals or organizations.

Article 2: Reduce War Potential and Repurpose Weapons to Benefit Humanity

This is a more fundamental, developed approach from how to resolve conflict and reduce ensuing damage to how to achieve peace before the conflict leads to war. The most practical mechanism of peace and prevention of war potential is an agreement and respect on cessation of war in the international society as a whole.

Refraining from the use of force should not mean elimination of all the human or material resources. Rather, constructive form of disarmament should be based on transformation of the resources to
benefit the community.

Article 4: Prohibit Coercion against Internationally Recognized State Boundaries

Article 4 describes how states can contribute to deterrence of violent actions in the international society and the establishment of an environment of peacebuilding, especially stating possible acts of aggression in the multilateral scope. (“by a state, a group of states, an organization of states or an armed group or by any foreign or external entity”)

It should also be noted that the form of coercion includes not just the use of armed force but other sources of threat including economic and political means. Accordingly, with understanding today’s interdependent world as a global village resulting from diverse human interactions and material exchanges, the article provided a timely, accurate access to peacebuilding in terms of the fact that discreet approaches and decision making by states are required to restrict proliferation of conflicts and settle disputes in peaceful means.

We can make peace and love of this age without gender, languages and frontier.
Peace is not far to us!

Nowadays, root of peace movements started by man hee lee peace leader

Chairman of HWPL, Man Hee Lee peace leader

The world of peace people have dreamed of began to find its shape by one person with his can-do spirit.

Two Wings of HWPL – IWPG and IPYG

The International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG)
and the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG)
cooperate with HWPL for the same goal – peace. Women and youth in the global community work
 together and raise their voice of peace.


Number of World Peace Tours leading up to WARP 2016

From July 2012 to July 2016, HWPL Peace Ambassadors have travelled over 73 countries in a total of 24 world peace tours leading up to WARP 2016.


Number of signed peace agreements leading up to WARP 2016 (Agreement to propose the enactment of international law, Unity of religion agreement)


Over 5,000 peace agreements were signed during WARP 2014 and world peace tours combined. Signing ceremony for the cessation of war served as foundation of the 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit.

All the participants who signed the peace agreements called heaven and earth as witnesses, and pledged to become messengers of peace under the Creator, in front of people of all nations.

Number of HWPL badges provided to the global community

More than 10,000 HWPL badges have been provided to the global peace community since October 2013. Every individual committed to join the work of peace by HWPL wears the HWPL badge. As a symbol of global partnership for peace, HWPL badges become must-have items for members of HWPL during the world peace tour.

Number of participants supporting the core initiative of WARP 2016 – Legislate Peace Campaign


Until July 24th 2016, 536,873 people from 168 countries have signed their signatures of support for the Legislate Peace Campaign. This will be a significant turning point that contributes to legislation of peace and anti-war mechanism.

This campaign which aims to urge for development of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of Law (DPCW) into an enforceable law is actively carried out around the world since the proclamation of the Declaration.

2016년 9월 3일 토요일

HWPL WARP Summit 2016: The World Has Got its Eyes on the Not-to-be missed Event for International Press - HWPL peace conference, peace quotes and peace talks

Two years ago Seoul in Korea, event was held named World Alliance of Religions's Peace(WARP).
The event had shown answer of peace to our how religions were intergrated to remove wars and conficts from religions. This year is 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit.

This year 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit

This year's event is a “must cover” event for international press to provide people with diverse aspects of the Summit and build a foundation for open communication between governments, IGOs, and civil societies on advocating for the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War(DPCW).
The 4th HWPL International Law Peace Committee Meeting will have high-level talks on how the role of government can be addressed to the extent that citizens can be benefitted from the legislation of peace based on the DPCW. It will also draw comprehensive understanding and approaches to the Declaration pertaining to peace movement – democracy, human rights, education, culture, and religion.
The International Religious Leaders’ Conference will establish consent on the direction of interfaith peace dialogues based on religious scriptures and discuss the role of religion as bridge-builder of world peace. With the support from religious leaders all around the world HWPL has successfully established 181 offices in 90 countries and is continuously expanding its boundaries.
Also, there will be a forum for the media and press conference which will devise the conduct of media to effectively transmit the message of peace and legitimacy of law-making with the provision of the blueprint of legislation based on the DPCW.
This innovative approach to peace involves visual arts, sporting events, music performance, and card stunt for the positive transformation of international and societal conflict, creating opportunities for building bridges across differences and advancing a world free from conflict.
For the cause of leaving peace as a legacy for future generations, HWPL aims to take another great leap forward for peace this year through endorsement of global legislation of peace with cooperation from all sectors of society and alliance of religions through interfaith peace dialogues.

The 2nd Annual Commemoration of September 18th WARP Summit will serve as a pathway towards peace, providing an opportunity for the world to witness the momentous act in the history of peace.