2016년 12월 29일 목요일

Peace, what does that mean to us?

What is the 'peace'? State without war, conflict and strife
What should we have attitude and behave for peace?
What should we achieve for peace?
In worldwide any times or nations, war or conflict were always existent because of religions, territory, racial discrimination and regime etc. Because of that, many people were damaged.
In fact, it is not exception in today.
Now, terror, dispute and strife are being happened due to several problems variuos places on the earth.
Indeed, Why do we continuously happen war?
Everybody must realize necessity of peace and convert attitudes, recognitions to peace.
Peace is being accomplished stepwise from our thoughts.
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind"
                                                              - John F. Kennedy -

We are not achieve peace alone.
Therefore, we should accomplish peace hand in hand
Peace, it is no longer irrelevant to us.

2016년 12월 4일 일요일

Wind of peace rises on the worldwide: Movement of Nigerian youths for example

Nigerian youths take lead in peace building for the community

At last October 27th, ‘Discussion on the Action Plan of the HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee’ hosted by IWPG (International Women Peace Group) and IPYG (International Peace Youth Group) was held at Kano Hospital Digital Conference Hall in Kano, Nigeria. About 20 representative members in the ‘Patriotic Youth Organisation of Nigeria’ (PYON) and around 30 audiences attended this seminar and devised practical plans for supporting the DPCW (Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War) and advocating the ‘Implementation of the International Law’ for peace. The PYON is a cooperating group with HWPL for peace activities in Nigeria, whose membership has reached 20, 000. It has diverse field members, including professors, lawyers, and journalists. It has tried to make their community a better place for Nigerians to live.

At the DPCW by the global community through the global peace summit, held in Republic of Korea, named the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit, PYON chairman, AbdulAziz Seymour Omololu delivered a speech, where he highlighted the importance of civil society’s role in raising public awareness and collective action for peace-building projects.

He said: “I’d like to introduce the 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit and explain the Strategy Road map of the DPCW, and its action plan. And we will discuss how we drive the national support for it. We will decide how we collaborate and precede signature campaigns, as a way of support.”

After watching the video, Mr. Adam Sa’id, Vice president of PYON, said: “I was very excited by the audience reaction, which showed that they really understood what the DPCW is all about and their readiness to give their contribution of developing and making it a legally binding document. I also felt extremely happy to see that the audience was really impressed with the letter from the chairman of HWPL, Man Hee Lee.”

The DPCW was drafted with the intent of promoting the respect of fundamental human rights and an international law, and of further involving States in the active protection of those rights.

As a part of action plan, currently, ‘Discussion on the Action Plan of the HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee’ is the first step in realisation of peace in Nigeria.

In this regard, HWPL Peace Advocacy Committee in Kano State also holds monthly discussion to examine the results of their activities and to attain 20,000 signatures for supporting the DPCW. Nigeria takes one step forward to the real peace and is ready to propel drawing Nigerians’ attention on it with this discussion.

Although people of world didn 't significantly consider at beginning, someday peace would arrive for sure on the worldwide!

Will and continuous activity of HWPL to achieve peace on earth

Conference in support of HWPL's work for Peace and Cessation of War

SEOUL, Nov 28: A conference aimed at advocating for the implementation of an international legal document compatible with the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was convened by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, and Restoration of Light (HWPL) on Thursday in Coex Auditorium. Korean political officials, religious leaders, press, and citizens, a total of 1,000 people, gathered to demonstrate the urgency with which a legally binding document based on the principles of the DPCW must be implemented.
HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee emphasized that the work of peace can no longer be put off and that the leaders must take action beyond mere lip service.
“Although we pass down something valuable to the next generations, would it really be an eternal legacy? Only when we pass on to successive generations an invaluable inheritance of a world free of wars, will we meet our responsibilities as leaders, citizens, and people of today. The international community has to acknowledge what is delineated in the DPCW and then modify and develop the current international legal systems.”
The advocacy conference sought to demonstrate how to remedy disparities caused by war and war-like activities throughout the world, and it also showed the concrete efforts and interests of participants in creating an environment for peace-building.
Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim of the International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) said that women’s leadership and participation improves the likelihood of the success of the global peace process.
“Sustainable peace is yet being waited for. What can explain this? That is because peace is not something that can be achieved by the authority or power of politicians or noble men. However, despite many obstacles, the work of peace must be done. IWPG gathers the 3.6 billion women of the world and actively works for the Declaration to be adopted by the UN. This legal framework will become a fundamental enforceable law for the generations to come.”
Eight panelists representing government, civil society, university, and faith-based organizations each spoke respectively about their explicit support for the Declaration and urged that the leaders at all levels should cooperate with HWPL’s work for peace and cessation of war.
Yu-Hyuk Kim, tenured emeritus professor of Dan-Kuk University said, “Why is it that the globe sounds the same pitch in spite of the differences in language, skin color, culture, and life style? The only reason is this. We all have the same purpose of achieving the world of peace without wars. In reality, it is to make a better future and ideally, it is to infinitely settle peace and realize the far-reaching universal value of humanity.”
He continued, “This work has been proclaimed by many, but HWPL Chairman, the greatest peace advocate, is beyond the proclamation and always on the move to bring forth peace. Today, this conference serves as a significant platform to urge leaders and citizens to support the implementation of international law inspired by the DPCW and be resolute to work for peace with the peace advocate.”
The 2016 Conference in Support of HWPL's Work for Peace and Cessation of War brought the Korean leaders to the forefront of international peace and security and presented their creative partnerships to inspire the world in the peace-building arena under the banner of the DPCW.