All countries of the world a number of politicians and religious men had impressed. Also plenty of foreign news had reported a case this ceremony and several peaceful news. Above all I intens to introduce impressions of partial participants. Why don't we listen to their reactions?
‘The 2nd Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit and Peace Festival’ hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) ended in a grand scale. All the presenters of the Summit have urged the global citizens to participate in the ‘Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War’ which HWPL is pursuing for the future of humanity.
Feelings of all countries of the world politic and religious leaders

We have a big responsibility to pass a world free of wars to the next generation. This particularly is essential to the political and religious leaders as this is ethical and logical challenges to all of us.

I would sincerely appreciate to all of those involved in this project to build a dream for peace into reality. What an emotional event this is!
Hrant Bagratyan, Former Prime Minister of Armenia
I, and many others, are live witnesses of Chairman Lee and HWPL for their commitment and dedication for world peace. Our daily lives are slowly but gradually becoming peaceful.

I strongly believe that by cooperation from all participants of all fields, we can take all those contributions for the sustainable peace, prosperity, and happiness of all people in this world.

The Declaration will help find solutions by figuring out the cause of conflict in a very progressive way.The DPCW should be adopted into an international law and be brought into the UN.

It is also equally important to protect the human rights of women. It will be essential to promote activities by the representatives of women for each country by urging each of the governments to support the DPCW.

World of peace is paradise whereas it is hell with war. To accomplish holy objectives like peace, it is imperative to implement and legislate the DPCW into a valid international law soon.

Our people really need peace. The DPCW must and will be successful because many policies forget about the real people, but this Declaration remembers its people.

No country in this planet is guaranteed of peace and security today. Therefore we support the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).
Yeonsook Lee, Former Minister of Korea
Reunification must be done to finally fulfill peace. 3.6 billion women, who have produced half of the world’s population, must take the initiatives to end war.
This conference, working with various groups together, will have a chance to explore and find ways to realize-maybe small—but significant steps towards a better future.
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